“My first experience with Transformational Breath® brought up the words “I'm safe.” I truly wasn’t aware how much fear and anger I had been carrying for years. For the first time my chest feels light.”
“Deep relaxation, light, warm colours with a strong feeling of being cared for, wrapped in bliss and trust, drifting on waves without resistance. A unique, comforting feeling with no room for negativity.”
“Transformational Breath® felt like I was cleansing myself from the inside out.”
“Absolutely transformational. I felt the effects directly on my body. Carla has a warming energy. She can catch you in her wings and make you feel safe. A truly healing journey.”
“Results beyond my expectations. I am experiencing an inner aliveness and lightness right now. I was able to successfully dissolve a heart wall.”
“I could finally get out of my head. I received new memories, images,
insights and feel I have experienced a huge shift in my life. It makes you remember who you really are.”