Carla de Oliveira

Kundalini Bodyworks & De-Armouring

Kundalini bodywork & De-armouring is a form of spiritual and physical healing that is based on the principles of Kundalini energy. This practice involves the release of energy from the base of the spine, known as the Kundalini, through a series of exercises, meditations, and breathing techniques.
During our session I’ll be working on your body, using de-armouring, breath work, trauma and emotional release techniques. Among others such as: taoist energy techniques and shadow work. With my help you’ll be able to remove the blockages that prevent the energy from flowing and that are blocking you from having a multi orgasmic body experience. Allowing you to release emotional and physical pain and to clear the blockages on your life force energy.
The aim of the session is to help to release blockages, pain and trauma that left unattended could manifest as diseases.  We do this by filling your body with life force energy, balancing your chakras and your energy field by activating your whole energy body to clear the path of Kundalini, to experience  optimum flow and heightened states of consciousness.

What to expect during your first session:

During the session you’ll be fully clothed and I’ll be touching certain points on your body, guiding the flow of energy.
I will teach and support you in the process of developing your own energetic body. My goal is to allow you to achieve a perfect flow of energy and create a deeper loving relationship with yourself.
When the kundalini energy is flowing freely without obstructions you will be able to cultivate your own inner sexual energy and start experiencing an orgasmic body and orgasmic life.
Note: Sessions can last from one to 3 hours – I practice kundalini bodywork only on people over the age of 18. 

Plan 1

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Plan 2

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Plan 3

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Happy clients

“My first experience with Transformational Breath® brought up the words “I'm safe.” I truly wasn’t aware how much fear and anger I had been carrying for years. For the first time my chest feels light.”


“Deep relaxation, light, warm colours with a strong feeling of being cared for, wrapped in bliss and trust, drifting on waves without resistance. A unique, comforting feeling with no room for negativity.”


“Transformational Breath® felt like I was cleansing myself from the inside out.”


“Absolutely transformational. I felt the effects directly on my body. Carla has a warming energy. She can catch you in her wings and make you feel safe. A truly healing journey.”


“Results beyond my expectations. I am experiencing an inner aliveness and lightness right now. I was able to successfully dissolve a heart wall.”


“I could finally get out of my head. I received new memories, images,
insights and feel I have experienced a huge shift in my life. It makes you remember who you really are.”


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